Smile Makeovers
A smile makeover can do more than just transform your smile and improve your oral health; it can change your life by giving you the confidence to smile again.
If you are suffering from misaligned, broken, uneven, stained, cracked or chipped teeth, a smile makeover may be the best treatment option for you. These dental issues can cause you to smile with your mouth closed, feel self-conscious and laugh less openly. A smile makeover can restore more than just your appearance; it can restore your self-confidence.
Using an array of dental treatments and techniques, we can transform the look and health of your smile. Professional in-house teeth whitening, for example, brightens discolored or stained teeth, leaving your with a more radiant smile. The painless procedure yields results instantly so you don’t have to spend one more day hiding your smile.
Dental veneers are individually-designed porcelain covers that can change the color of your teeth, restore fractured, broken or chipped teeth and fix misalignment and spacing issues. Strong and natural-looking, veneers are often an important part of a smile makeover.
“Dr. Lu job transformed my smile. I totally recommend her work.”
– Nicholas, Springfield, VA
With dental bonding, we use tooth-colored material for cosmetic improvement and repair. Dr. Lu uses the versatile treatment to close gaps between the teeth and change their appearance. The material is colored, shaped and sculpted to create an attractive, natural, long-lasting result.
These are just some of the many cosmetic dentistry techniques we use to give you the smile you deserve. Instead of hiding behind cracked, damaged, misaligned or stained teeth, let your joy shine through with a smile makeover!